Tuesday 22 May 2018

Democracy or Demo-Crazy

Democracy means as I understand that 'power to the People, ' but in India is it really happens? My main point is our system which is totally depends on Muscle Power & Money & now days Alcohol also added in this system. At first I would prefer to say in Bengal. Once Bengal was the land of Authors, Freedom Fighters now converted into a state of "dada'giri, Political atrocities etc. It's really shame to say that hundreds of people getting killed in the name of Political Parties or on Polling day, just to retain domination they r killing another Indians which should b treat like a terrorists attack. This year we saw more than 18 people's killed on polling day which seems like Civil War. My question is, why this atrocities! Is only because to get Power & Money..? In my point of view, rising of unemployment is the main cause & it would increase on upcoming elections & more than 30yrs or 10yrs of same Govt doesn't mean a stable Govt except raising some questions. In Bengal, Election is like a Earthquake, many peoples killed on polling day(earthquake day) then it continues after election (after shock), no investigation or arrests or long term jail to the culprits or Desi terrorists.

Now get a look at Karnataka Election which is really nice to see that a sophisticated practice of Democracy with no violence but a circus like incident which occurred in the name of Democracy. Political parties getting 2nd & 3rd place formed Govt. with might have 2 (two) Deputy C.M., but people of Karnataka rejected the said political parties: this activity just showed the naked truth of so called Democracy or in my opinion its Demo-Crazy.

Jai Hind

Sunday 13 May 2018

What Is India...A Nation on papers?

India a country of Diversity & 7th largest country as well as the largest Democratic Country in the world with her 28 states & 8 Union Territories which is known to the maximum number of Indians. But the question is, are we the citizen really becomes an Indian or we r just belongs to the various religion or community {Gujrati, Marathi, Bihari etc.}. According to various official papers yes we are Indians, from Passport to Pan Card but what reality says ..! its totally a different picture.  Some Political parties are claiming as All India Political Parties but their base of Politics is Religion since 1947 , or many parties in India established based on local languages or local communities which doesn't suit to our country's history as we fought together against British from Balochistan to Nagaland or from Kashmir to Kanyakumari under the leadership of Subhash Ch. Bose, Rash Behari Bose, Chandra Sekhar Azad, Asfaq Ullah Khan,Surya Sen or some writers such as Rabindra Nath Tagore, Kaji Nazrul Islam, Bankim Ch. Chattapadhyay , Subramania Bharati. Is India Independent as a Nation or only as we see the Map of India & thats all..! I hereby wrote the previous sentence because we are Indians only at the time of India - Pakistan Cricket Match or at time of World Cup Cricket. Our article no 14,15 & 16 says against discrimination but the ground reality is totally different, aam citizens r treated as a 2nd class citizen in One word its VIP Culture if you hold a political portfolio which means you deserve everything. Now comes to religion which always being treated as only vote banks and my question rises here only that if 42nd Amendment of the Constitution of India asserted  that India is a Secular country than why our various Govt. forms, I-cards, recruitment forms asks the question from which religion we belong & whether SC/ST/OBC. Our Freedom Fighters fought for United India & perfect example of secularism is INA or Azad Hind Army though after partition nobody is interested on our nationality but on our religion. 
So,the question to all Indians that you should raise your voice and ask the Govt. to remove the Column of religion, our  nationality & religion should be in one column & that is Indian or Bharatiya.
                                                                                                                                JAI HIND

আমি একা দাড়িয়ে

"আমি একা দাড়িয়ে নীরবে, রয়েছি শুধু সাক্ষী হয়ে। আমি আজও দাড়িয়ে ইতিহাসের সাক্ষী হয়ে শুধু রইলেনা তুমি। দেখেছি অনেক উত্থান-পতন , দেখেছি অ...